Watch List Invasive Species

Invasive species on the watch list have been identified as posing an immediate or potential threat to Michigan's economy, environment or human health. These species either have never been confirmed in the wild in Michigan or have a limited known distribution.  

If you suspect seeing a watch list species in the wild, please take one or more photos, note of the location, date and time of the observation. Use the Midwest Invasive Species Information Network (MISIN) reporting tool or contact the LSC CISMA at

Watch List Invasive Species Detected in Macomb & St. Clair Counties:

Watch List Invasive Species Recently Discovered in Michigan:

Watch List Invasive Species Anticipated to Arrive in Macomb & St. Clair Counties:

For more information on Watch List Invasive Species Not Yet Detected in Macomb & St. Clair Counties, visit:,5664,7-324-68002_74188---,00.html