Red Swamp Crayfish & Marbled Crayfish

Harmful Impacts

Red swamp crayfish (RSC) and marbled crayfish compete aggressively for food and habitat with native amphibians, invertebrates, and juvenile fish. Burrowing and foraging behavior can also lead to erosion, summer cyanobacteria blooms, and eutrophic conditions.

Both crayfish are on the Michigan invasive species watch list and are prohibited species, which means it is unlawful to possess, introduce, import, sell or offer that species for sale as a live organism.

Local Efforts

RSC were discovered in Shelby Township in 2019, and Washington township in 2022. In 2024 the CISMA performed landowner outreach, surveys and removal efforts resulting in 659 crayfish being removed from local waterways.

The CISMA will continue early detection and rapid response efforts in 2025. Specific county drains, ponds, and lakes in Shelby and Washington Township will be targeted. Survey and removal efforts can only take place where landowner permission is provided.  To provide permission, please email

How You Can Help

Red swamp crayfish 

Native look-alikes:

Marbled crayfish 

If you see marbled crayfish in the wild, take one or more photos and make note of the location, date and time of the observation, and report to:

Lucas Nathan, DNR Fisheries Division, 517-599-9323

Native look-alikes: